Much of my educational design work involves designing lectures for a range of expert, professional, student, and lay audiences. To my clients with public speaking goals, I offer:

Polished aesthetics that catch your target audience’s attention,

Scientific accuracy that highlights your ideas, and

Thoughtful pedagogy that supports your learning objectives

Note that, for intellectual property and/or platform reasons, the lectures included below are incomplete. I have added large slide numbers for your understanding and convenience. If you’d like to see a higher-resolution image, please contact me to request a read-only link.

The surprising, long history of pumping breast milk and bottle-feeding infants

This is a selection of slides from a lecture I delivered to my colleagues in maternal and child nutrition research. The lecture was a visual overview of my book chapter on the same topic, providing a rich, colorful visual journey covering millennia of human history. 

Nutrition and Epigenetics

This is a selection of slides from a lecture redesigned for a faculty client’s keynote presentation for an international research symposium in their field. In addition to improving the clarity and appeal of each slide, I added a framework and recurring process motif to better highlight and support the learning objectives.


Manuscript figures


Processes and systems